As long as an app is useful and working fine, organizations typically want to keep it functioning. However, the functioning of outdated systems can become risky, expensive and time-consuming.

There will inevitably come a time when legacy modernization becomes absolutely necessary. The only things left to decide are when is the time to do legacy modernization and what are the different strategies to modernize the legacy app. To learn more, continue reading. 

What are Legacy Applications? 

Legacy systems are a common topic of conversation in the IT industry. The phrase describes systems that have been in operation at a company for a long time but are no longer modern or brand-new.

A legacy system could be hardware, software, a programming language, or even a file format. In light of this, a legacy application is an app that is no longer in use or is becoming obsolete. If a legacy app is unstable and challenging to upgrade, problems may develop over time.

By continuing to use outdated apps, a company faces the risk of devastation if those apps become incompatible with current operating systems and potentially develop security flaws. 

When is the Time to Actually go for Legacy App Modernization?  

Let's first determine the best time to upgrade legacy apps before discussing strategies.  

  • The System or App Frequently Given Errors: It's time for an upgrade if the software your business uses routinely crashes and can't handle the load it requires. When your app experiences repeated errors, it means that its technical base cannot handle the tasks. 
  • No Opportunity to Improve: Consider what you can modify to start taking baby steps toward your goals if you find that you are stagnant and lacking the chance to grow. If your company has experienced this, it is unquestionably time to modernize your legacy applications. 
  • The App Can No Longer be Maintained: Modernizing your app is necessary if it is "accumulating dust on the shelf." Whenever possible, update the app. Don't forget to do so. By upgrading it, you will have a new system built on the idea and functionality that has already served certain purposes in your business. 
  • Poor Integration with Modern Solutions: Another indication that this app needs to be upgraded is if your business uses a variety of solutions to carry out certain tasks and you find that they do not connect effectively with your primary system. You can modernize the app to get all of your company's important software up and running. 
  • New Processes: As we previously stated, the legacy app in your company will not be able to handle the new operations. Therefore, it's time to consider legacy application modernization if your business currently has new processes or if you intend to implement new ones. 

Legacy App Modernization Best Practices 

Let's examine the best practices for upgrading legacy apps: 

  • Replace: Legacy application replacement is the process of replacing all of the application's original components with new ones while taking present needs and requirements into account.
  • You should conduct a business analysis, comprehend the primary function of the future updated system, and specify exactly how you want your new application to be before replacing any application components. 
  • Rebuild: Rebuilding a legacy application involves starting from scratch and rethinking or rewriting the application component while maintaining its scope and standards. This procedure could involve deleting features that aren't necessary for your company's operations and adding new ones.
  • Additionally, rebuilding might entail a complete redesign of the application in order to enhance the product's usability and user experience. It's crucial to keep in mind that rebuilding will maintain the application's goals and standards. 
  • Replatform: To take advantage of a cloud deployment paradigm, legacy application replatforming is a technique for moving an existing app from an old platform to a modern cloud platform.
  • You can use this technique to improve the dependability, security, and functionality of your current software. Nowadays, almost all businesses are attempting to shift some aspect of their data and processes to the cloud.
  • Rearchitect: Rearchitect legacy applications involve reorganizing and improving the current code in order to reduce technical debt and enhance nonfunctional features. 
  • This method is appropriate for businesses that are happy with the application's functionality or outer shell, or its exterior behavior. Rearchitect is worthwhile if the application consistently makes technical mistakes, though.
  • Rearchitecting a legacy application entails fundamentally changing the code to accommodate a new application architecture and take use of improved capabilities. 
  • Retire: Application retirement refers to the process of retiring a legacy application together with its underlying hardware and software stack while keeping the application's data accessible for reporting, legal compliance, and everyday business requirements. For businesses where it is crucial to save all data, analysis, reports, etc. for future use, this method is required. 

Different or Right Strategies for Modernizing Legacy App 

How can legacy apps be successfully modernized? The solution is obvious. Pick the best course of action. Let's look more closely at how to accomplish this: 

  • Architecture: In order to select the right strategy for modernizing legacy apps, you need to consider the architect of your current app. The architecture of the application must be correctly built for it to operate without glitches. The logical operation and usability of the application will determine how the architecture is built. 
  • Current and Future Risks: It is important to take risks into account. Any process that is brand-new to you carries a risk of failure. You must therefore consider both the advantages and disadvantages. You must devise a strategy for your movement in order to remove any potential threats. Success is always based on having a plan. Include in this strategy any potential problem scenarios that may develop throughout modernization, along with any potential solutions. 
  • Current Plans and Procedures: Additionally, in order for your strategy to be effective and appropriate, you should analyze all of your current business processes and determine precisely what needs to be changed in the application in order for it to support the processes in your business. Additionally, this should be considered if you intend to expand your organization by introducing new processes. 
  • Data Security: A successful strategy for modernizing legacy applications must include data security. Data breaches and system hacks are becoming more common today. 
  • You must therefore plan ahead for how to keep scammers away from your updated application. Many modern technologies are now available on the market to protect corporate and personal data. 
  • Financial Opportunities: In order to adopt a successful strategy, you should properly manage your budget. Before you start, budget a certain amount for the whole legacy application modernization process as well as for each sub-process. Setting budgetary constraints will make it simpler and easier for you to achieve your goals.

What are the Main Problems of Migration if we do Legacy App Modernization?  

Legacy app modernization can involve migrating applications from one platform or architecture to another, which can pose several challenges, including: 

  • Compatibility Issues: When migrating a legacy application to a new platform or architecture, there may be compatibility issues with the new environment.  
  • Data Migration: Migrating data from a legacy system to a new system can be complex, especially if the data is in different formats or if there are data quality issues. 
  • Business Disruption: Legacy app modernization can result in business disruption, as the application may need to be taken offline or have reduced functionality during the migration process.  
  • Security: Migrating a legacy application to a new platform can introduce new security risks, especially if the new platform has different security protocols or if the application is not properly configured for the new environment.  

What Should You Do, Retire or Modernize the Legacy App?  

When it comes to legacy applications, it is essential to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of both retiring and modernizing the app. Retiring an application might be an option if the app is no longer meeting business requirements, is difficult to maintain, or poses security risks. However, this approach can be costly, as you may need to migrate the data, train the users on a new system, and implement new hardware and software. 

On the other hand, modernizing a legacy application can bring numerous benefits, such as improved functionality, better user experience, increased security, and scalability. Modernizing the app can also be more cost-effective than retiring it and building a new one from scratch. However, modernizing an app requires careful planning, collaboration with stakeholders, and a robust development strategy to avoid introducing new bugs or issues.

Change is Unavoidable 

The way in which a legacy modernization process is managed can determine whether a company remains competitive or falls behind its competitors. It is crucial for all organizations, regardless of their size, to have the right strategy in place to identify necessary changes and determine the appropriate timing for implementation. A group of decision-makers should be established to ensure that the company's best interests are met while minimizing risks. 

Although many businesses have made progress in their digital transformation journey, modernizing legacy applications is still a major challenge. The failure of up to 75% of legacy system modernization initiatives can be attributed to a lack of clarity or a rushed discovery phase. 

Achieving digital transformation and modernizing legacy applications can be a complex process, which is why partnering with a reliable and knowledgeable Custom Software Development Company is essential for success.